Sunday, October 2, 2011

A lot of work to do

I'm back in school right now, so I haven't had much time lately to devote to writing. The classwork is pretty heavy, and even when I have time to write, I'm usually too overloaded to think about it much. Having said that, I did get started on the second draft of my current story. The tentative title is "Little Lucy," though I'll probably end up changing that.

I finally heard back from Leading Edge regarding "The Mind's Retreat." Another rejection slip, though after all this time I'd been expecting it. Just like with "Long and Short," I got critiques from two of the editors. There's some good stuff in there. I'm heartened by phrases like "You did a good job..." "I like the way it unfolds," "...engaging plot," and "Your writing is great..." The more critical parts highlight some things I need to work on. Both editors mention that there's some stuff that doesn't get a proper explanation, which is probably the result of my having cut it down to about half it's original size. I was perhaps more eager than I should have been, and cut out stuff I should have kept, as well as keeping stuff that could have been removed. I'll have to go over the story again with that in mind.

One thing that embarrasses me a bit. One editor stated that I fell into the rather elementary trap of telling, not showing. He didn't give any specifics, so I'm going to have to go over the story carefully and see where I erred. The same editor mentioned that I bring up a lot of jargon in the story that isn't explained. That he did list in detail, and I can see what he means. I can see without even rereading the story where I can pare down on that. He also says that there should be more action. This is a valid point, I do mention a lot of action happening in the backstory, which I could easily incorporate.

One editor said he was dissatisfied with the ending, the other said he liked the resolution. I think when I rework the story, I'll do it with more of an eye towards the former's opinion. I think I can address his critique of the ending by only changing a few words.

I also need to go back and do some work on "Long and Short." I reread the critiques I got for that story, and I can see a few points in the story I should shore up. But I think that before I work on either of those stories, I should get to work on "Little Lucy" first. I want to get it ready to start sending out. I'm about halfway through my current semester, so I should be able to get some serious work done there after I do my finals. Hopefully even before that. There's a break coming up for Thanksgiving, I should spend that time working on my writing.

I want to get back to submitting stories, but I need to work on the three I just mentioned first. I think I'll look for somewhere to send "The Last Day" in the meantime. I think I'll send it along to Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show. And if Space and Time magazine is ever open for submissions again, I'll start sending stuff their way as well. Either way, my priority right now is to finish this semester and get my Associates in Liberal Arts degree.

-E. Maxfield Moen

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