Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 2

Well, I finished Chapter 1 of Mage War. I found myself introducing something a lot sooner than I'd expected. With only 50,000 words to work with, I gotta keep the pace fast and flowing. I posted all of Chapter 1 on the site as an excerpt of the novel, I figured that should be enough to give anyone checking me out a good idea of my writing style and the feel of the novel.

It's funny, 50,000 words sounds like a lot at first blush, but it really isn't. Chapter one came out to just over 4,000 words. If I keep that average going, the book will end up being 12 and a half chapters. Of course, that's just for this site, I won't have any such constraints when I begin reworking the novel for actual publication. But I want to try and fit in as many of the ideas I've had for this novel into that 50,000 words. I think maybe one thing I'll do in this draft is exclude a couple side characters I'd planned on using. It should improve the pacing and the wordcount without seriously damaging the story. Especially as I've already decided to expand the role of some other characters.

Anyway, I think I'm doing pretty well with this so far. I'm pretty confident I'll have those 50,000 words banged out before the deadline on November 30th. I'll post more developments here as they occur.

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