Wednesday, June 1, 2011

(Lack of) Progress Report

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since my last post. I wish I had more to say. I'm still working on my latest story idea, still on the first draft. It's proving to be trickier than I had anticipated. My difficulty is in getting the tone right. I'm trying to make a lighthearted story with a rather ludicrous premise, but within the setting it's totally serious, and that's proving to be harder to convey on paper than I'd thought.

I'm not sure if what I wrote above makes any sense or not. I hope it does, or maybe I'm in the wrong field. ;-)

In the meantime, I should get back to researching publications to send my stories to. According to a spreadsheet I set up to keep track of such things, I submitted "The Last Day" to Barbaric Yawp back in December, and I haven't heard from them yet. I think I'll give it another month before I start shopping that story around again. In the meantime, I have other stories to submit. Space and Time magazine says it's closed for submissions every time I check the site, which is a shame, as I think I'd be a good fit with them.

I have a couple ideas of other places I can send stories to, I just have to determine which of my stories they'd be most likely to accept. That, and get to work on putting my current story idea together. Time to put the old nose to the grindstone.

-E. Maxfield Moen

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