Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two for the price of...two

I'm sending out two submissions today. First, after reading some of Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, I decided to send them "Where Do We Go From Here." I hope they enjoy it.

After I did that, I decided to crack open my copy of 2010 The Short Story and Novel Writer's Market and see if there was anything in there that caught my attention. I also decided that this time I would work from Z-A, in case I came upon any magazines which I had never looked at before. I found in there a website called Zahir, which I'm sure I've never looked at before. They had their latest stories on the site, and after reading them, I decided that I should send them a copy of "The Last Day." It's shorter than the stories I saw on the site, but I think it's a good fit nonetheless.

The Intergalactic Medicine Show story I sent via email, so they'll probably see it in the morning. The Zahir story I decided to send through snail mail, as it'll probably be cheaper than the $2.50 fee they want for electronic submissions. I don't expect to hear from either of them for a few months, regardless of the method of delivery.

So, I'll be making a run to the post office in the morning. Once I do that, it means I'll have three stories I'm waiting for a response on. If I can keep the momentum going, it'd be nice to have all my stories out for consideration at once. I'll have to do some more research and find some more places to send my stories to.

-E. Maxfield Moen

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